Feather is probably the least understood
aspect of breeding superior quality exhibition Budgerigars. Read this article
a number of times it will give an incite into the author unique understanding
a such a complex issue.
The Budgerigar is a very interesting species,
knowing a little about the birds ancient background gives a better
understanding of how to progress with today's far removed exhibition type
birds. Read and enjoy.
The perennial question is how does one
improve the budgerigars in ones aviary. Please enjoy this article and
savor the simple explanations that will help you improve your birds.
This is long interview however it covers many areas of the hobby. This was
recently published in 'Budgerigar World'
Some hint on how to make and then get the
best out of your purchases.
A short article covering the present
situation of exhibition Budgerigars in Australia.
Breeding better quality birds is not easy
this article covers many of the fundamental issues that will assist you in
developing a breeding program that will help move your birds forward.